Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SkypeIn Ainda Está Fora do Ar

Vários dias depois da interrupção do serviço SkypeIn, serviço onde o Skype disponibiliza número de telefone fixo seja ligado à sua conta Skype, recebi hoje uma cobrança do meu plano SkypeIn em valor integral. Achei estranho que eu fosse cobrado por um serviço que só está funcionando pela metade (faço ligações, mas não recebo) e resolvi entrar em contato com o suporte Skype.

Fui informado (novamente) que um acordo já está em andamento com o GT Group de São Paulo para dar continuidade ao serviço e que estão trabalhando com as autoridades competentes para recuperar os números perdidos para a Transit. Segue abaixo a íntegra de minha sessão de suporte.

20:32:50 meu_id_skype

Initial Question/Comment: Online Number

20:32:50 System

Thank you for contacting Skype Customer Support!

20:32:56 System

Rolando M. has joined this session!

20:32:56 System

Connected with Rolando M.

20:33:00 Rolando M.

Hello! Welcome to Skype Live Support! My name is Rolly. How may I help you?

20:33:16 meu_id_skype

Hello Rolando, I was wondering when my online number will be back online.

20:33:27 meu_id_skype

Every time I call it I get an error message.

20:33:58 Rolando M.

I am sorry to hear that, I will be happy to help you.

20:34:00 meu_id_skype

Ever since the deal with Transit in Brazil went south, my online number does not work anymore.

20:34:35 Rolando M.

I understand.

20:34:45 Rolando M.

We are happy to announce that Skype has signed an agreement with a new provider in Brazil, GT Group, and are working very closely with them as well as with local authorities to get things back to normal.

20:35:17 meu_id_skype

Yes, but the problem persists and I am still being charged full price for half the service...

20:35:51 meu_id_skype

Calls Out = Ok, Calls In = not OK.

20:35:55 Rolando M.

We have received feedback from our users and fully understand your frustration as well as your interest in getting your Skype experience back to normal.

Please be certain that we are taking the necessary steps and pursuing collaboration with authorities and all parties involved to resolve this in the way the best supports you, our user, as soon as possible.

20:37:26 meu_id_skype

Meanwhile, shouldn't the service be discounted of a certain amount due to lack of full functionality of what is being contracted on a montly basis?

20:38:26 Rolando M.

I can assure you that there will be compensation regarding that, but for now we do not have the information on how it will be implemented.

20:39:43 meu_id_skype

Ok, if there will be compensation, that seems fair to me. I hope that everything goes back to normal soon. Thank you for your help.


1 comment:

  1. Sergio,

    A "compensação" foi aquele 1 dólar somente, não foi? Achei isso péssimo! E agora com o Skype sendo Microsoft teremos que ver como as coisas ficarão para 2012.


