Thursday, July 9, 2015

Crazy Leaders of The World

Lately I have been shocked to see how many world leaders do very strange things showing complete lack of skills to be in the job they are in. In the last two weeks, the craziness was coming from Europe with the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras, proposing a public referendum to gather political clout to negotiate a better deal for the decade-long poorly managed country.

Today my bewilderment crossed the Atlantic and landed in Bolivia on the scene of the Pope’s visit to the mountainous Latin American country. The communist leader gifted the Pope with a wooden carved hammer and sickle where a golden Jesus figure appears crucified to the hammer portion of the piece. Only God knows (no pun intended) what his true intentions were. My guess it that he thought the mixing of a usually atheist symbol with a holy Christian one would be a humorous gift for the Pope...
